Sunday, March 1, 2009

Holy snowflakes, Batman!

Coming to you from Alabama, where we had snow today. Not much, but considering we are in SOUTH Alabama, any snow is good for us. We were woken up by the pooch this morning only to find it snowing. We woke all the kids up, bundled up, and made the most pitiful snowman you northerners have ever seen. It was about 6 inches tall, but cute. It stopped snowing about mid-morning, so the girls and I went out to church. When church ended, it was snowing again. We came home and got warm and cozy in front of the fireplace. Baby K even fell asleep there. It was so amazing--considering it was 70 degrees yesterday and we wore shorts!

I finished my mid-term essays this afternoon. Doing mediocre work never felt so good. That is one thing off of the totally-stressing-me-out list. After Tuesday, three more things will be marked off. And a big one to check off, teaching. That's right, folks. The official decision was made Friday night when my husband went on a rampage claiming that he was calling the principal and telling him I was not coming back on Monday. I have been extremely stressed out and no where close to even being a good wife or mother, or student or teacher. My relationship with my husband has been suffering because what little energy I have left has been exhausted on the never-ending list of "I wants" the kids have or the never-ending piles of chores. I want nothing more than to sleep.

There are 57 more instructional days left of school. But I am taking this in small little baby steps. Kinda like weight loss. I am setting small goals and setting off to meet those. My first small goal is to get to March 16, which is an off day. Second step, make it to April 13 which is spring break. After that, we're in the homestretch. May 25-holiday. May 28--adios, kiddos. May 29-Adios, GHS! May 30-Bueno, sanity! Summer, sweet sweet summer. No waking kids up early to get ready for school. Maybe a little exercise time in the mornings before Mr. Wonderful goes off to work.

Okay, so now I am rambling in my daydreaming. Please pray for us that this is the right decision. Emmy starts Kindy this year. Baby K has two more years at home, and I truly feel like God is telling me that I need to be there. Maybe by answering my prayers about a teaching job, he was showing me that it was not the right time for my family. Maybe teaching is where God wants me to be, just not now. I just don't know how teachers are doing it. I totally cannot handle the constant disrespect. It makes me want to be so much tougher on my children, so hopefully they will not turn out that way.

Well, goodnight all. Sweet, snow-filled dreams to everyone.

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