Time out. Need I say more? Before you look at the picture....look to your left. Go on. Do iiiitt. See the blue button. Well, as soon as you look at this pic of Baby K, press that blue button. Trust me--you won't regret it.
Okay, I feel the need for further explanation. Baby K is a screamer. When she doesn't get her way or she gets mad, she screams a scream that echoes in my soul. We have been unable to get her to stop this screaming. So now, as a result of her screaming, he gets a veeeerrryy long 3 minutes in time out. But this is how time out works at our house: Time does not start until you are quiet. If you start fussing during the time out, time starts over. So far this has been very effective, because they really do not want the original minutes, let alone extra ones. Baby K gets three minutes (she is 2), Emmy gets 5 minutes (she is 4) and Bro Man goes to his room. The worst punishment for him is to make him clean his room. Obviously she was breaking my heart in this particular time out and her hair was so big when it is usually so flat. I had to document it.
Style Showcase 276
22 hours ago
Uh oh, hey before the internet and blogging would you have thought to take pictures of kids sitting in a time out?
She wouldn't have been in time out long at my house ....that face too cute!
Oh, she's so forlorn... what could she possibly have done to end her up there??
oh, those time out faces......soooo heartbreaking. We have to BE STRONG!
I like your time out plan though...I'm still working on Zander's. Someday when he's 18 I'll have all this figured out, right?
She is adorable though.....hope she is feeling better now too....and the rest of the family.
Gotta love the time outs! :)
Thanks for stopping by & commenting on my Spot this morning!
She does not look like one happy camper. I bet those three minutes are excruciating for her.
they're so good at switching gears from making you want to pull your hair out to making you want to give them anything they want
We have a screamer too! Well done for actually persisting with time outs! I couldnt do it!
She is beautiful tho!!
I need to be more persistant with my time out -- My 2 year old is starting to get into everything -- He loves to throw his toys every where but doesn't want to pick them up -- He also loves to scream. The picture is so cute.
ROFL - but MOM - how can you throw a face like that in time out??? j/k
Itchy is a screamer too and we have the same rules about being quiet before time starts. He's gotten a lot better but the record time out he endured was 1 hour 30 mins.
ooh...poor little pumpkin!
I have one of those at home. God made them cute so they would survive!
My youngest son was the most difficult when in time out. There were several times when he just would not be quite for at least 20 minutes. And THEN he would say, "Okay, I'm ready to start my time out now." What??
Thanks for sharing. She's precious and oh how hard it is to punish them when they look so adorable. Even more so when extended family members are present and chuckling to themselves. (We just returned from a family wedding.) AACK!!! My heart goes out to you re. her screams. I too could do without them here. They are one of my dtr's newest ways to push my buttons.
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