This post is here because I haven't really written anything all week, and I am lettin' it all out now. Both girls are in the pre-K programs that I wanted them to be in. We are just out $250 that we paid to the private school for Emmy as a registration fee when the K-4 program said they absolutely could not take her. But I would much rather cut my losses at that than to get caught up with that school. For my job's sake, I cannot possibly be involved in the private school. Baby K had a great first day of school yesterday. She stayed in her big girl panties all day. The teacher said they really didn't even know that she was in the room. But she was so worn out when I picked her up. Emmy starts Monday. Bro Man had a great first day, other than having this chick in there that has been stalking him since kindergarten. It really is a sad day when a kindergarten girl asks a kindergarten boy if he thinks she is hot. That's ridiculous!! I'll have to have a talk with the teacher about her. He says she is sitting by him and following him around.
My first day was kinda rough. We had a two hour homeroom, so I know them pretty well. First period and second period were only ten minutes. Third period was about fifteen when it was supposed to be thirty. Fourth was pretty good, fifth was okay, sixth was sheer and utter hell, and seventh was superb. After my homeroom was released, my reputation preceeded me. I had the audacity to make tenth graders walk in a straight line to the auditorium for the assembly. They tried me a little on the way there, but on the way back, we only had to start over one time for them to realize that I meant business. But then they all got blow pops when they got back to the room. Fourth period really had an aversion to walking in a straight line to lunch, so I made them a deal that we would try letting them walk their way as long as they were quiet. And three teachers complimented me on how quiet they were on the way. They get blow pops on Monday. I don't really remember fifth period, so I guess it was uneventful. Sixth period was out of control. There was never a moment that control was established. At the very end, I ended up saying, "If you say another word, you can see me at break on Monday." Most got quiet for the first time, but I have three scheduled for break detention. Three thugs. They won't show. You know why? Because I don't know their names yet. So when they get to my class on Monday, they will have two days break detention. And when they don't show, they will be my very first office referrals. Sixth period was so bad that the police officer at the school decided to stop in my class. So bless my ninth graders hearts come seventh period. I made sure there was control in that class. Oh, but I can already tell, they will try me.
Hubby is in a bad mood today. I am not really sure why. He says kids and house. I have been trying to help him with laundry today and I cooked supper and I took Bro Man to BD to see his grandparents who are here for the weekend from Ohio. But let me tell you why I am not in a good mood. A very simple little thing that just set me off. We have 2 1/2 bathrooms. The main bathroom is the one in the hallway. Everyone has always showered in that bathroom. About 8-10 months ago, Hubby put an aerating shower nozzle on the shower. I hate that shower head and have vocalized this many, many times. Since we moved into the master, the master bath has become my bathroom. No one else uses it. Slowly but surely, the rest of the family is starting to take it over. Hubby even told me that it was my bathroom. Today, he comes home from the store with an aerating shower nozzle for my shower. My. shower. I said "Why?" Because he wanted it there. "But you don't even shower in there?" Because he hated the other shower head. Oh, little lambs, it will not stay there. I will purchase one that I have been wanting and it will be on the shower in my bathroom. No kids. No husband. My bathroom. Mine. Mine. MINE! I swear I'll take a case of Diet Coke and lock myself in there.
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1 day ago
sniff, sniff. I hate to hear how well it's least some of the classes. Hang tough, you will be fine!! My teaching friend who has been teaching for like 30 something years, says you have to start off mean to get their attention, then you can always get nicer. But if you start off nice, you can never get mean!!
You, go, girl!! Do NOT let him 'man-up' your bathroom. TOWANDA!!!
I didn't know you taught ninth graders. OH. MY. STARS. You are an angel. I've always thought it, but now I KNOW it.
Oh, bless you for having to put up with high are a better woman that I will ever be.
Oh, I'd be ripping that shower head out of there and installing the new one I WANTED myself! Of course, that's how I roll....and probably why I'm not married because sometimes I'm a bit too vocal! :(
Yes, you needed to let it go, let it out, rant and rave. I feel you.
I wish for you many hours of blissful, PRIVATE, and relaxing bathroom time. You deserve it!
A man should know not to mess with a woman and her shower....
GOod luck with the kiddos. What subject do you teach?
Way to establish good discipline. The first week usually determines the rest of the year. Great job.
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